About Innocent Ddamulira

Innocent Ddamulira

Partner at DIT Advocates

He is a commercial Lawyer with past experience working with listed Corporations. Until December 2019, Innocent was the Legal and Regulatory Compliance Manager for Umeme Limited supporting the Board and Management in driving the company’s Legal and Regulatory compliance agenda.

Innocent joined private legal practise with a leading law firm in 2019 and has since been advising Government entities, regulators, banks and corporate entities in areas of corporate advisory and dispute resolution. He has been part of the ground breaking decisions arising from litigation and has also settled several complex matters out of Court.

He has extensive understanding of Board and management affairs, General litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Private and Corporate Finance, Retirement investing, Mortgage finance, Corporate & retail recoveries, Guarantee arrangements, Loan arrangements, Employment/labour, Regulatory Compliance and Business structuring.

Innocent believes in being predictive in approach and offering timely, innovative and commercially prudent solutions to client’s problems. He is currently a trustee licenced by URBRA and board member on two major Finance and investments bodies.

He is an Advocate of all Courts of judicature of Uganda, Member of the Uganda Law Society and East Africa Law Society.

Innocent is a holder of Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Makerere University and Diploma in Legal Practice- Law Development Centre (LDC) Kampala.